The southernmost coast of Hawai`i is nearly uninhabited. It shelters endangered hawksbill and threatened green sea turtles. Hawaiians surf at dawn. Ancient temple sites guard high cliffs above the sea. Estuaries are home to wildlife. Though surrounded by Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, Ka`u's Coast is privately owned, vulnerable to development. A community movement urges preservation of Hawaiian sites, native species, ocean access and open spaces, ahead of a large population growth expected in Ka`u, along the southernmost shore of the 50 United States. 
Some success has been achieved. The Nature Conservancy purchased 24 acres at Kamehame, a key nesting place for the hawksbill turtles. Trust for Public Land and Ka `Ohana O Honu`apo acquired 225 acres for a park at Honu`apo, and the Hawai`i Wildlife Fund led an effort that transferred 1200 acres along the Waiohinu shore from cattle ranching to state forestry management. The SAVING KA`U'S COAST film project assisted at Honu`apo and Waiohinu.
SAVING KA`U'S COAST is a 15-minute film funded and presented by the monthly publication THE KA`U CALENDAR. The film expresses views of people intimately related to the shore, particularly at Honu`apo Bay & Fish Ponds, Kawa surfing beach and Punalu`u Black Sand Beach. All three have estuaries, important Hawaiian sites and seaside recreational areas. The film is one of the tools employed to raise more than $3.4 million to purchase 225 acres along the shore to protect Honu`apo. However, Kawa and Punalu`u are still in danger of being developed, as are significant shoreline sites between Honu`apo and South Kona.
Those wanting to preserve Ka`u's Coast may contact organizations promoting parks and environmental stewardship, as well as Native Hawaiian groups, and Hawai`i county, state and federal officials; and share the film SAVING KA`U'S COAST.

SAVING KA`U'S COAST filmmaking project can be reached at